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(一)  英文论文(SCI/SSCI/EI)

1.Ning Zhang(张宁),Fanbin Kong*(孔凡斌),Yongrok Choi* ,Measuring Sustainability Performance for China:A Sequential Generalized Directional Distance Function Approach ,Economic Modelling,2014,41:372-379.(SSCI, IF=0.699)

2.Ning Zhang(张宁),Fanbin Kong*(孔凡斌),Yanni Yu, Measuring Ecological Total-factor Energy Efficiency Incorporating Regional Heterogeneities in China,Ecological Indicators,2014(in press).(SCI,IF=2.890)

3.Ning Zhang(张宁), Fanbin Kong(孔凡斌), Yongrok Choi, P. Zhou, The effect of size-control policy on unified energy and carbon efficiency for Chinese fossil fuel power plants, Energy Policy 2014,70:193-200.(SSCI/SCI, IF=2.743)

4.Ning zhang(张宁),Yongrok Choi.A note on the evolution of directional distance function and its development in energy and environmental studies 1997-2013,Renewable&Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2014,33:50-59.( SSCI/SCI, IF=5.627)

5.Ning Zhang(张宁), Fanbin Kong(孔凡斌) ,Chih-Chun Kung(宫之君), On modeling environmental production characteristics: A slacks-based measure for China’s Poyang Lake Ecological Economics Zone, Computational Economics,2014, DOI 10.1007/s10614-014-9467-2.(SSCI)

6.Chih-Chun Kung(宫之君), Fanbin Kong*(孔凡斌), Yongrok  Choi. Pyrolysis and Biochar Potential Using Crop Residues and Agricultural Wastes in China, Ecological Indicators,2014(in press).(SCI,IF=2.890)

7.Kung Chih-Chun(宫之君), Xie Hualin(谢花林),Wu Tao, Chen Shih-Chih.Biofuel for Energy Security: An Examination on Pyrolysis Systems with Emissions from Fertilizer and Land-Use Change. Sustainability,2014, 6(2): 571-588. (SSCI /SCI)

8.Chih-Chun Kung(宫之君), Bruce A. McCarl,Chi-Chung Chen, Xiaoyong Cao ,ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND ENERGY PRODUCTION: EVALUATION OF BIOCHAR APPLICATION ON TAIWANESE SET-ASIDE LAND, Energy & EnvironmentVol. 25, No. 1, 2014.(SSCI)

9.Meng-Shiuh Chang, Chih-Chun Kung(宫之君) . Nonparametric Forecasting for Biochar Utilization in Poyang Lake Eco-Economic Zone in China, Sustainability 2014, 6, 267-282.(SSCI /SCI)

10.Chih-Chun Kung(宫之君), Bruce A. McCarl, Chi-Chung Chen. An Environmental and Economic Evaluation of Pyrolysis for Energy Generation in Taiwan with Endogenous Land Greenhouse Gases Emissions, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2014, 11, 2973-2991. (SSCI /SCI)

    11.Xie Hualin(谢花林), Zou, Jinlang; Jiang, hailing; Zhang, Ning; Choi, Y. Spatiotemporal Pattern and Driving Forces of Arable Land-Use Intensity in China: Toward Sustainable Land Management Using Emergy Analysis. Sustainability, 2014, 6(6):3504-3520. (SSCI/SCI)

12. Xie Hualin(谢花林), Yao Guanrong, Wang Peng. Identifying Regional Key Eco-Space to Maintain Ecological Security Using GIS. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2014, 11(3):2550-2568. (SCI)

13. Xie Hualin(谢花林), Wang Peng, Yao Guanrong(姚冠荣). Exploring the Dynamic Mechanisms of Farmland Abandonment Based on a Spatially Explicit Economic Model for Environmental Sustainability: A Case Study in Jiangxi Province, China.Sustainability, 2014, 6(3): 1260-1282. (SSCI/SCI)

14.Xie Hualin(谢花林), Liu Guiying, Liu Qu, Wang Peng. Analysis of Spatial Disparities and Driving Factors of Energy Consumption Change in China Based on Spatial Statistics. Sustainability, 2014, 6(4): 2264-2280. (SSCI/SCI)

15. Xie Hualin(谢花林),Liu Zhifei, Wang Peng, Liu Guiying. Exploring the Mechanisms of Ecological Land Change Based on the Spatial Autoregressive Model: A Case Study of the Poyang Lake Eco-economic Zone, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2014, 11(1):583-599. (SCI)

16. Zhifei Liu , Hualin Xie(谢花林) ,Jing Hu. Evaluation of Land Ecological Security for Poyang Lake Eco-economic Zone Based on Emergy, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 864-867 (2014) pp 787-792.(EI)

17.Guiying LiuPeng Wang, Hualin Xie(谢花林). Analysis of ecological landscape pattern change in the Poyang Lake Eco-economic Zone of China, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 864-867 (2014) pp 2639-2644.(EI)

18. Fanbin Kong(孔凡斌), Kai Xiong(熊凯) ,Ning Zhang(张宁),  Determinants of farmers’ willingness to pay and its level for ecological compensation of Poyang Lake Wetland, China: A household-level survey, Sustainability,2014,6:6714-6728.(SSCI/SCI)

19.Hualin Xie(谢花林), Guanrong Yao(姚冠荣), Guiying Liu(刘桂英),Spatial evaluation of the ecological importance based on GIS for environmental management: A case study in Xingguo county of China, Ecological Indicators,2014,DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.08.042.(SSCI/SCI)

20.Dan Pan(潘丹),The Impact of Agricultural Extension on Farmer Nutrient Management Behavior in Chinese Rice Production: A Household-level AnalysisSustainability2014, 6, 6644-6665; doi:10.3390/su6106644.(SSCI /SCI ) 


1. 季凯文,孔凡斌, 中国生物农业上市公司技术效率测度及提升路径―基于三阶段DEA模型的分析,中国农村经济,2014年第8

2. 孔凡斌,廖文梅, 地形和区位因素对农户林地投入与产出水平的影响基于8省(区)1790户农户数据的实证分析,林业科学,2014年(待刊)

3. 孔凡斌,吴雄平,廖文梅,中国林业科技进步贡献率的要素分解及测算研究―基于2002201131个省(市、自治区)的统计数据,农林经济管理学报,2014年第4

4.   孔凡斌,基于生态系统服务功能价值的鄱阳湖湿地生态补偿标准研究,农林经济管理学报,2014年第6

5. 凯,孔凡斌,农户生态补偿支付意愿与水平及其影响因素研究―基于鄱阳湖湿地202户农户调查数据,江西社会科学,2014年第6期:85-90

6. 许正松,孔凡斌,经济增长、产业结构与环境污染-基于江西省的实证分析,当代财经,2014年第8期:15-20

7.  孔凡斌,潘丹,熊凯,鄱阳湖湿地生态补偿机制研究,鄱阳湖学刊,2014年第1

8. 孔凡斌,廖文梅,集体林地细碎化、农户投入与林产品产出关系分析基于中国9个省()2420户农户调查数据,农林经济管理学报,2014年第1

9. 张利国,陈 苏,王慧芳,新世纪以来鄱阳湖生态经济区粮食生产时空演变的实证分析,鄱阳湖学刊,2014年第1

10. 张利国,陈 苏,基于耕地利用效用的粮食生产时空变化分析―以江西省为例,江西财经大学学报,2014年第1期:10-17

11. 王如松,李锋, 韩宝龙, 黄和平,等,城市复合生态及生态空间管理,生态学报,2014年第1

12. 黄和平,彭小琳,孔凡斌,张利国,鄱阳湖生态经济区生态经济指数评价研究,生态学报,2014年第11

13. 潘丹,基于资源环境约束视角的中国农业绿色生产率测算及其影响因素解析,统计与信息论坛,2014年第8期:17-23

14. 潘丹,中国化肥施用强度变动的因素分解分析:20042011,华南农业大学学报(社会科学版),201422:31-39

15. 潘丹,中国化肥消费强度变化驱动效应时空差异与影响因素解析,经济地理,2014年第3

16. 廖文梅,南方集体林区林业经济增长的产业结构演变及其差异分析―基于13个省(区)1995-2011年的统计数据,林业科学,2014年第8

17. 廖文梅,基于DSSA的林业产业结构演化及差异分析以江西省为例,林业经济,2014年第3

18. 廖文梅,张广来,中国林业市场化进程的农民收入效应研究―基于31个省(市、自治区)2002~2011年相关统计数据,林业经济,2014年第8期

19. 潘丹:农业技术培训对农村居民收入的影响:基于倾向得分匹配法的研究,南京农业大学学报(社会科学版),2014年第5期



1. 孔凡斌、张利国、张宁 等,鄱阳湖生态经济区发展报告(2010-2013),中国环境出版社,2014年12月。



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