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(一)  英文论文SCI/SSCI/EI

1.Zhang, N., Wang, B. Adeterministic parametric metafrontier Luenberger indicator for measuringenvironmentally-sensitive productivity growth: A Korean fossil-fuel power case. Energy Economics, 2015, 51, 88-98. (SSCI) IF=2.580

2. Zhang, N., Xie H. Toward Green IT: Modeling Sustainable Production Characteristics for Chinese Electronic Information Industry, 1980-2012. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2015, 96, 62-70. (SSCI)管理学顶级期刊

3.Zhang, N., Wei, X. Dynamic total factor carbon emissions performance changes in the Chinese transportation industry. Applied Energy, 2015.,146, 409-420. IF=5.261 (SSCI&SCI) 中科院1区顶级

4.Zhang, N., Kung, C., Zhou, P. 2015. Total-factor carbon emission performance of the Chinese transportation industry: A bootstrapped non-radial Malmquist index analysis. Renewable and SustainableEnergy Reviews, 41, 584-593.SCI&SSCI)中科院1区顶级

5.Zhang, N., Kong, F., Yu, Y. Measuring ecological total-factor energy efficiency incorporating regional heterogeneities in China. Ecological Indicators, 2015,51, 165-172. (SCI&SSCI) 中科院2

6.Zhang, N., Yu.Y. Marginal abatement cost of pollutants for China: A non-parametric approach. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy (SCI)  2015.,October.

7.Kung C., Zhang N*. 2015. Renewable Energy from pyrolysisusing crops and agricultural residuals: An economic and environmental evaluation. Energy; 2015,(10), 90, 1532-1544. 中科院1区期刊, IF=4.844 (SCI&SSCI)

8.Choi Y, Oh,D., Zhang, N*. Environmentally sensitive productivity growth and its decompositions inChina: a metafrontierMalmquistCLuenberger productivity index approach. Empirical Economics, 2015,49, 1017-1043. (SSCI)

9.Liu Y., Zhang,N*.Sustainability of Trade Liberalization and Antidumping: Evidence from Mexico’s Trade Liberalization toward China.Sustainability,2015, 7(9), 1484-1503.(SSCI)

10.Mei G., Gan J., Zhang, N*. Metafrontier Environmental Efficiency for China’s Regions: A Slack-Based Efficiency Measure.Sustainability,2015, 7(4), 4004-4021 SSCI 通讯作者

11.Choi Y, Zhang, N*. 2015. Introduction to the Special Issue on “the Sustainable Asia Conference 2014. Sustainability,2015, 7(2), 1595-1602. SSCI 通讯作者

12.Chu, K, Zhang, N*., Chen Z. 2015. The Efficiency and Its Determinants for China’s Medical Care System: Some Policy Implications for Northeast Asia. Sustainability,7(10), 4092-4111. SSCI 通讯作者

13. Zhao R., He H., Zhang N*. 2015. Regional Water Footprint Assessment: A Case Study of Leshan City. Sustainability,7(12), 16532-16547.

14. Zhang, Yu YvetteChang, Meng-ShiuhFuller, Stephen WStatistical analysis of vessel waiting time and lockage time on the Upper Mississippi RiverMARITIME ECONOMICS & LOGISTICS,17,2015(4): 416-439SSCI)。

15. Miaohao Hu, Juhong YuanChanges in the spectral pattern of selenium accumulation in Coleus blumeiand the effects of chelationEcotoxicology, 2015, 24(3): 686-699SCI)。

16. Meng-Shiuh CHANG, Wen WANG, Chih-Chun KUNG*Economic effects of the biochar application on rice supply in TaiwanAgricultural Economics-Czech, 6120156):284-295SSCI)。

17. Chih-Chun Kung and Meng-Shiuh Chang*Effect of Agricultural Feedstock to Energy Conversion Rate on  Bioenergy and GHG EmissionsSustainability, 2015(7), 5981-5995SSCI)。

18. Tsung-Ju Lee, Shian-Shyong Tseng, Chih-Chun Kung*Factors Influencing the Performance of Human Computation: an empirical study in Web ApplicationJournal of Information Science and Engineering, 31, 2015(2), 641-658SCI)。

19. Chih-Chun Kung, Fanbin Kong*, Yongrok ChoiPyrolysis and Biochar Potential Using Crop Residues and Agricultural Wastes in ChinaEcological Indicators512015139-145(SCI ,JCR 分区2区国际权威期刊)

20. XIE Hualin, WANG WeiExploring the spatial-temporal disparities of urban land use economic efficiency in China and its influencing factors under environmental constraints based on a sequential slacks-based modelSustainability20157(8): 10171-10190SSCI)。

21. XIE Hualin, WANG WeiSpatiotemporal differences and convergence of urban industrial land use efficiency for China’s major economic zonesJournal of Geographical Sciences201525(10): 1183-1198SCI)。

22. Dan PanDecomposition of Fertilizer Use Intensity Over 2004-2011 in ChinaApplied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 713-715,2015, 2627-2631EI)。

23.Zhang, Ning; Kong, Fanbin; Kung, Chih-ChunOn modeling environmental production characteristics: A slacks-based measure for China's Poyang Lake Ecological Economics ZoneComputational Economics 2015468):389-404









8.黄和平,基于生态效率的江西省循环经济发展模式研究, 生态学报,2015年第9期。

9.谢长根,熊送良,黄和平,服务于昌九一体化的靖安林业第三产业SWOT 分析, 南方林业科技,2015年第1期。

10.孔凡斌,许正松,刘芳,吴雄平,建立江西省赣江流域生态补偿机制的整体构想――基于福建省实践经验的考察, 鄱阳湖学刊,2015年第4期。

11.陈胜东,孔凡斌,江西省生态文明建设评价体系研究:指标体系和评价方法, 鄱阳湖学刊,2015年第4期。






17.王智鹏,孔凡斌,潘 丹,江西省畜牧产业温室气体排放时空差异分析基于LCA方法,鄱阳湖学刊2015年第3期。







24.何小钢,张宁,中国转型增长动力之谜:技术、效率还是要素成本――基于行业层面的实证研究,世界经济 2015年第1.






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