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    我院循环经济与生态工业研究所张宁副教授主持承担的国家自然科学基金项目《环境规制对区域经济可持续发展的影响规律与作用机理研究: 以鄱阳湖生态经济区为例》(41461118)在执行的第一年,取得了重要研究进展,项目主持人已经在《Energy Economics》、《Computational Economics》、《Empirical Economics》、《Ecological Indicators》、《Energy》、《Applied Energy》、《Technological Forecasting and Social Change》、《Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews》、《Sustainability》等国外SSCI和SCI学术期刊上发表和录用论文15篇(均标注本项目资助编号)。


1)        Zhang, N., Wang, B. 2015. A deterministic parametric metafrontier Luenberger indicator for measuring environmentally-sensitive productivity growth: A Korean fossil-fuel power case. Energy Economics, 51, 88-98. (SSCI) IF=2.580

2)        Zhang, N., Xie H. 2015. Toward Green IT: Modeling Sustainable Production Characteristics for Chinese Electronic Information Industry, 1980-2012. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 96, 62-70. (SSCI) 管理学顶级期刊

3)        Zhang, N., Wei, X. 2015. Dynamic total factor carbon emissions performance changes in the Chinese transportation industry. Applied Energy, 146, 409-420. IF=5.261 (SSCI&SCI) 中科院1区顶级

4)        Zhang, N., Kung, C., Zhou, P. 2015. Total-factor carbon emission performance of the Chinese transportation industry: A bootstrapped non-radial Malmquist index analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 41, 584-593.SCI&SSCI中科院1区顶级

5)        Zhang, N., Kong, F., Yu, Y. 2015. Measuring ecological total-factor energy efficiency incorporating regional heterogeneities in China. Ecological Indicators, 51, 165-172. (SCI&SSCI) 中科院2

6)        Zhang, N., Kong, F. 2015. On modeling environmental production characteristics: A slacks-based measure for China's Poyang Lake Ecological Economics Zone. Computational Economics,46, 389-404., October. (SSCI)

7)        Du L., Hanley A., Zhang N*. 2016. Environmental technical efficiency, technology gap and shadow price of coal-fuelled power plants in China: A parametric meta-frontier analysis. Resource and Energy Economics, 43, 14-32.

8)        Zhang, N., Yu.Y. 2015. Marginal abatement cost of pollutants for China: A non-parametric approach. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy (SCI)  October.

9)        Kung C., Zhang N*. 2015. Renewable Energy from pyrolysis using crops and agricultural residuals: An economic and environmental evaluation. Energy; 2015,(10), 90, 1532-1544. 中科院1区期刊, IF=4.844 (SCI&SSCI)

10)    Liu Y., Zhang,N*.2015. Sustainability of Trade Liberalization and Antidumping: Evidence from Mexico’s Trade Liberalization toward China. Sustainability 2015, 7(9), 1484-1503.(SSCI)

11)    Mei G., Gan J., Zhang, N*. 2015. Metafrontier Environmental Efficiency for China’s Regions: A Slack-Based Efficiency Measure. Sustainability 2015, 7(4), 4004-4021 SSCI 通讯作者

12)    Choi Y, Zhang, N*. 2015. Introduction to the Special Issue on “the Sustainable Asia Conference 2014. Sustainability 2015, 7(2), 1595-1602. SSCI 通讯作者

13)    Chu, K, Zhang, N*., Chen Z. 2015. The Efficiency and Its Determinants for China’s Medical Care System: Some Policy Implications for Northeast Asia. Sustainability 7(10), 14092-4111. SSCI 通讯作者

14)    Zhao R., He H., Zhang N*. 2015. Regional Water Footprint Assessment: A Case Study of Leshan City. Sustainability 7(12), 16532-16547.

15)    Choi Y, Oh,D., Zhang, N. 2015. Environmentally sensitive productivity growth and its decompositions in China: a metafrontier MalmquistCLuenberger productivity index approach. Empirical Economics, 49, 1017-1043.




3、理论建模。在上述资料基础上,系统梳理和研究国内外关于环境规制对区域经济影响的实证分析文献,建立环境规制对区域经济影响之科学合理的方法体系。通过对方向距离函数在环境经济与管理领域应用的百余篇国内外文献的研究分析,在方法论视角将DDF进行系统归纳与梳理,已经完成一篇综述文章。根据具体研究对象和数据特点,为选择合适的距离方法提供理论根据。利用Simar and Vanhems(2012)和Simar et al.(2012)提出的Bootstrap DDF的方法,增加非参DDF的统计属性。具体包括计算静态DDF的统计误差进行敏感度分析,借鉴Essid et al.(2014)的Bootstrap ML指数方法,来检验ML生产率指数变化是否具有统计学显著性,相关研究发表到SCI一区期刊Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews》中。另一方面,利用DDF的对偶模型(Duality)推导DDF的成本函数,从而计算污染物影子价格与要素间替代弹性。利用了R软件,已经完成上述模型的基本编程与模拟。相关理论模型以及发表在《Energy》、《Applied Energy》和《Empirical Economics》等相关国际SSCI期刊中。

4、典型实证分析。基于上述文献收集,数据库构建与理论建模,课题组成员展开了一系列针对鄱阳湖生态经济区的实证分析,其中发表的成果如下,第一,课题组在生态效率等方面展开研究,以鄱阳湖生态经济区中38个县为研究对象,利用SBM-DDF的前沿方法,分析了鄱阳湖生态经济区的生态效率,各种污染物的减排成本,各种投入要素的替代弹性,提出了相应的政策建议。本研究成果已经发表在国际著名SSCI期刊《Computational Economic上。第二,在生态补偿方面,根据收集的农户调研数据,利用heckman两阶段模型,从定性和定量两方面,分析了鄱阳湖生态经济区农户的生态补偿的支付意愿及其决定因素,本研究已经发表在SSCI期刊Sustainability上。课题组也对申请书的其他问题展开一些研究,相关工作论文已经完成,并投到国际SSCI期刊,目前有3篇处于审核状态。

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